Imperial Leather Blissful Butterfly Lily & Amber Bath Cream, Sublime Star Flower & Pomegranate Bath Cream

Hi there! Today’s post is about two limited edition bath creams: Imperial Leather Blissful Butterfly Lily & Amber and Sublime Star Flower & Pomegranate. I’m not sure when I bought these two products, but it must have been ages ago. Anyway, they’re both used up now (Success!) so let’s get to the review.

Imperial Leather Blissful Butterfly Lily & Amber is not a product I would have bought more than once. I don’t really like white floral scents so the lily fragrance of this bath cream didn’t appeal to me at all. Most of the product ended up in the hand soap dispenser in the kitchen.
Imperial Leather Bath
Imperial Leather Sublime Star Flower & Pomegranate on the other hand smells fairly nice. It smells rather generic from the bottle, but once it touches water, it smells very elegant and feminine – almost like an expensive high end product.

Imperial Leather discontinued these two bath creams quite a while ago so you won’t find them in regular stores anymore. I’m not too sad about this because I didn’t find these bath creams to be particularly moisturising; actually I thought they were a bit drying. However, they’re both used up now, so I’ll move on to the next product from my seemingly bottomless toiletries stash.

Mrs Strawberry Blonde