My New Favourite Face Serum – Olay Anti-Wrinkle Instant Hydration Day Serum

Hi there! Today’s post is about my newest beauty weapon – Olay Anti-Wrinkle Instant Hydration Day Serum. This serum is meant to be applied in the morning – either before a regular moisturiser or instead of a moisturiser. I’m using this serum right before I apply my regular Olay Day Fluid– this way my skin gets the maximum hydration out of these products. 🙂 But now, let’s take a closer look at the serum!
Olay Anti-Wrinkle Hydration Serum
Olay’s Anti-Wrinkle Instant Hydration Day Serum is simply fantastic. It promises instant hydration – and it gives you instant hydration. I love it! And I think this serum actually keeps my eczema at bay. The semi-permanent dry patch on my left cheek isn’t half as angry as it used to be. And as soon as I put on my make-up, that patch is 100% invisible – and it stays invisible all day. Fantastic, isn’t it?

Another thing I love about this serum is its formula. It’s soft and silky – very much like Boots’ No 7 serum – and it’s fun to apply. And smoothing it into my skin feels great! I’ve been using this serum for just under three weeks now, so I can’t comment on its anti-wrinkle properties. But my skin already feels so much more supple, flexible and elastic. I think this serum might actually prevent a few lines (the ones you get from dry skin…) from forming.

To sum it up, I think Olay’s Anti-Wrinkle Instant Hydration Day Serum is absolutely amazing. I would recommend it to everyone. Literally everyone! Priced at £10 (RRP) , the 50ml bottle is very affordable. But if you keep your eyes peeled for half price offers, you shouldn’t have to pay more than £5 for this serum. 😉

Mrs Strawberry Blonde

12 thoughts on “My New Favourite Face Serum – Olay Anti-Wrinkle Instant Hydration Day Serum

  1. OH MY GOSH! I can’t tell you how happy I am! Oil of Olay is actually one product I CAN use. You know I have that scent allergy issue, which pretty much crosses off a ton of products.

    I use Oil of Olay fragrance free Foaming Face Wash and I love it. I’m going to look into these products you reviewed!!

    Thank you soooooo much!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m a total Olay nut – I’ve bought, used and reviewed so many Olay products that it probably works out as one new product every month. 😀

      I didn’t know Olay does a fragrance-free face wash. This sounds great! But I don’t think there are many fragrance-free Olay products available on our side of the pond. I remember a fragrance-free day lotion for sensitive skin – but I don’t think Olay UK does anything else that’s fragrance-free.

      About your fragrance allergy – is there anything in particular which triggers your symptoms? I know of a few people who struggle with certain natural fragrance components – like oak moss, lavender oil, certain tree resins and the likes… Have you ever been able to pinpoint anything in particular?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi. 🙂
        I’d say you’re right about the limited fragrance free products from Olay. I haven’t seen many either. I’m guessing that I am among the few that don’t want fragrances. Scents are a huge thing it seems. Clothes soap, candles, etc.

        My issues seem to stem from manmade chemicals, including petroleum based products. Which is in a lot of shampoos and skin care products here.

        I do ok with like the smell pure peppermint essential oil, but that’s the only one really.

        I buy unscented everything. Shampoos are the hardest to find. Every one I’ve found that I like ends up discontinued!! Ha! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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