March Beauty Awards

Hi there! Welcome to Mrs Strawberry Blonde’s March Beauty Awards. 😉 This post is about the products I loved the most in March. I picked my favourites from all the products I reviewed this past month. It was really difficult this month because I reviewed quite a few awesome products. Now, let’s start with the TOP 3!

3rd place – Montagne Jeunesse Pink Cactus Flower Peel Off
Runner-Up – Superdrug Vitamin E Skin Care Refreshing Toning Mist

Montagne Jeunesse did a fabulous job with this face mask. I bought a dozen more of these masks!
Superdrug’s Vitamin E Refreshing Toning Mist is simply wonderful. It’s a new beauty staple!

WINNER – Nivea Soft Refreshingly Soft Moisturising Cream

Nivea’s Soft Cream is one of my all-time favourite body moisturisers. I cannot believe I’ve never tried it until a few weeks ago! But from now on, I’ll be buying it frequently!

Onto the honourable mentions! Palmolive’s Pampering Clay and Purifying Clay shower gels are awesome! I’d recommend them to everyone! Malibu Sun’s Tropical Flavour Lip Care is amazing, and Maxbrands’ Charcoal Peel Off Mask is simply fantastic!

I liked the Spa Premium Epsom Salts And Eucalyptus, I found Primark’s PS… Soothing Cream Mask to be a lovely surprise, and Rimmel’s Sun Safari eyeshadow quad has enhanced my current eye make-up routine!

Have you tried any of these products? Would you like to try them? Which products have you been loving lately? Feel free to tell me via the comments. And thanks for stopping by! 🙂

Mrs Strawberry Blonde

3 thoughts on “March Beauty Awards

  1. Pingback: Weekly Recap 30 March – 5 April 2020 | Mrs Strawberry Blonde

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