Mitomo Retinol Facial Essence Mask

Hi there! Today’s post is about this Mitomo Retinol Facial Essence Mask. This mask contains retinol, aloe vera extract and sodium hyaluronate. It’s a leave-on mask. Cleanse your face, then put the mask on. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes, then massage the remaining essence into your skin. Then follow with your normal skin care.

I’ve given this mask a try, and I think it’s one of the best face masks I’ve ever used. Ever! It’s the bomb! The mask feels amazing on – it’s refreshing and hydrating, it’s not sticky and it feels just so comfortable! When I took the mask off, I found my skin to be looking amazing – fresh, plump, relaxed. Wow! I didn’t put anything on my skin after the mask, and I’m happy to report that my skin looked and felt amazing the entire day.

Based on my experience, I’d recommend these masks! Mitomo Retinol Facial Essence Mask is available as a pack of 5 x 25g single-use sheet masks for £3.99 (TK Maxx). I will stock up for sure!

Mrs Strawberry Blonde

2 thoughts on “Mitomo Retinol Facial Essence Mask

  1. Pingback: May Beauty Awards | Mrs Strawberry Blonde

  2. Pingback: 2021 Beauty Awards – Part 1 – Face & Fragrances | Mrs Strawberry Blonde

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