Astor Perfect Stay Transferproof Lip Tint & Care 105 Pink Bloom, 150 Bois De Rose, 151 Blushing Rose, 260 Tequila Sunrise, 301 Warm Sand, 350 Flirty Beige

Hi there! Today’s post is about a bunch of Astor Perfect Stay Transferproof Lip Tint & Care lip stains. I bought one which I liked – and then I bought all the colours… Let’s take a look at some of them!

Astor Perfect Stay Transferproof Lip Tint & Care 105 Pink Bloom is a beautiful raspberry shade. I like it a lot! I will keep this one.

Astor Perfect Stay Transferproof Lip Tint & Care 150 Bois De Rose is a dark, dusty rose shade. It actually looks really nice on me, so I will keep this one too.

Astor Perfect Stay Transferproof Lip Tint & Care 151 Blushing Rose is a soft rosey shade. The name Blushing Rose is perfect. I will keep this one too because it suits me well.

Astor Perfect Stay Transferproof Lip Tint & Care 260 Tequila Sunrise is an ugly orange shade. I won’t wear it. In the bin it goes…

Astor Perfect Stay Transferproof Lip Tint & Care 301 Warm Sand is not bad at all. I’ll use it this autumn for sure!

And last but not least… Astor Perfect Stay Transferproof Lip Tint & Care 350 Flirty Beige is my favourite of the bunch. It’s an almost 80s kind of light brown. It suits me incredibly well. This one’s a bit lighter than Warm Sand, and it’s perfect for every occasion.

All in all, I’m surprised that I liked 5 out of 6! But I’m not complaining. I’m glad that these will finally get some use!

Mrs Strawberry Blonde