Beauty Formulas Collagen Essence Facial Mask

Hi there! Today’s post is about a face mask I tried a few weeks ago – Beauty Formulas Collagen Essence Facial Mask.

This mask with marine collagen, ginkgo and mulberry promises to leave skin feeling hydrated, smooth and supple.

You’re supposed to cleanse your skin, apply the sheet mask to your face, leave it on for 15 minutes – then rinse with water.

I’ve given this mask a try, and I think it’s really good! I agree that the mask made my skin look and feel amazing. In a nutshell – it kept all its promises!

Whilst I like leave-on formulas much more than rinse-off formulas, I’m very happy with this mask, and I will buy it again!

Beauty Formulas Collagen Essence Facial Mask is available as a single use sheet mask at Savers drugstores. I believe I paid 79p for it!

Mrs Strawberry Blonde

6 thoughts on “Beauty Formulas Collagen Essence Facial Mask

    • I didn’t expect much from such a cheap brand, but their masks are really good – those 2 sheet masks I tried recently were welcome surprises. I love their gold mask, and their bubble mask is my favourite bubble mask.


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