Beautifully Scrumptious Kale Face Mask

Hi there! Today’s post is about this Beautifully Scrumptious Kale Face Mask with with aloe vera and vitamin E. The mask promises to moisturise and nourish the skin. You’re supposed to apply the mask to cleansed skin. Leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse it off.

I’ve give this mask a try, and I think it’s really weird. The mask smells like aloe vera shaving foam – it’s not necessarily bad, but the scent is too green and too strong for me. I also didn’t find the mask nourishing or moisturising. It was actually very drying (my husband agrees). So whilst it did the opposite of what it promised, I’ll continue using it – when my skin needs a deep clean. I won’t be buying it again though!

If you’re interested, Beautifully Scrumptious Kale Face Mask is available as 75ml for £1 (Poundland).

Mrs Strawberry Blonde 💙💛

2 thoughts on “Beautifully Scrumptious Kale Face Mask

  1. Idk that I would like it either LOL. I tried a kale face wash cleanser from pacifica a few years back and it was meh, smelled very green as well so i think i know what scent you’re talking about, i was not a fan, it definitely didn’t hydrate my skin LOL

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