Weekly Recap 31 January – 6 February 2022

Hi there! Happy Sunday! Today’s post is about the posts I’ve written this past week. Continue to read if you’re interested. x

Monday 31 Jan – January Favourites

Monday’s post was about my favourite products in January. Click here to take a look.

Tuesday 1 Feb – January Empties

On Tuesday I showed you which products I said goodbye to in January. Click here to read the post.

Thursday 3 Feb – Ciaté Liquid Velvet Oh Honey, Ciaté Eyeshadow Fierce (12 Days Of Ciaté London Calendar)

I didn’t post on Wednesday, but Thursday’s post was about 2 products from Ciaté’s 12 Days Of Christmas Calendar. Click here to read my review.

Friday 4 Feb – Small Haul! Boots, Wright’s, Little Soap Company, M&S, Botanical Lab & Nivea

And on Friday I posted about what I bought recently – 15 products in total. Click here to take a look.

And this is it for this week. Thanks for stopping by! On another note, next week will be face mask week, so I’ll be posting face mask reviews only. xo

Mrs Strawberry Blonde

Ciaté Liquid Velvet Oh Honey, Ciaté Eyeshadow Fierce (12 Days Of Ciaté London Calendar)

Hi there! Today’s post is about 2 products from Ciaté’s 12 Days of Ciaté London Calendar – Ciaté Liquid Velvet Oh Honey and Ciaté Eyeshadow Fierce.

Let’s start with Ciaté Liquid Velvet Oh Honey which would have been “behind door number 1”.  On the front of the pack there’s the number 1 and a star, and on the back of the pack it says “Put on some lipstick and live a little”.

Oh Honey is a matte lip cream in a rich brown shade. It’s definitely not the most suitable shade for pale girls. Also, the name of the shade “Oh Honey” is just… 🙄 I might mix this shade with a lighter one but based on the formula, I’d prefer other lip creams, i.e. the cheap ones from Manhattan Cosmetics.

Onto Ciaté Eyeshadow Fierce! This eyeshadow would have been the 11th item in the calendar. The front of the pack displays the number 11 and the words “Beauty Shop”. On the back of the pack it says “Too glam to give a damn”. OK then!

When I freed the eyeshadow from its sleeve, I was disappointed to find a small eyeshadow tester. Not very glam! I appreciate the entire purpose of the calendar is to give an impression of what the brand has to offer. But the calendar was rather expensive (well, if you paid full price – mine was 50% off), and this kind of plastic tester isn’t really what most women would consider to be glamorous.

Personally, I love cheap stuff and I’m not ashamed of being a bargain hunter. Expensive fashion, beauty and jewellery have no appeal to me. But even I thought this was the cheapest looking eyeshadow sample I’ve ever seen. I must admit I felt some second hand embarrassment for Ciaté! 🤭

Since the packaging isn’t the most important thing about a product, let’s review the actual product. Looking at the eyeshadow in the tester pod, you’d expect a beautiful, velvety deep wine shade – rich and shimmery. Unfortunately, once applied, this shade turned out to be more of a colour-shifting rosey shade. It’s not a terrible shade, but it’s not what I wanted or expected. On a more positive note, the eyeshadow is highly pigmented and I haven’t experienced any fallout when I wore it.

If you’re interested, the photo above is what the calendar looks like. I will continue to test and review the remaining products!

Mrs Strawberry Blonde