Skin Treats Avocado Nourishing Facial Sheet Mask

Hi there! Today’s post is about this Skin Treats Avocado Nourishing Facial Sheet Mask. This is a leave-on sheet mask. This means that you’re supposed to cleanse your face first, then put the mask on and leave it on for about 15-20 minutes. Then take the mask off and massage the essence into the skin. And then you can follow with your regular moisturiser if you want.

I’ve given this face mask a try, and I liked it. It felt hydrating and made my skin look nice and plump. The essence hardly smelled of anything, so if you’re not too keen on strongly scented cosmetics, this mask might be right up your alley. I would recommend this face mask, and I will buy it again.

Skin Treats Avocado Nourishing Facial Sheet Mask is available as a 20ml single use face mask for £1. I bought mine at my local Home Bargains store.

Mrs Strawberry Blonde