Beauty Hoarder Problems – Part 2: Incredibly Old Stuff

Hi there! It’s been a few weeks since I confessed to having too many beauty items and toiletries in general. One problem that comes with stockpiling (well, hoarding) such items is that you end up with lots of older products. Sure, storage is another issue, but I won’t go further into this bit. So let’s have a look at some of the oldies I’ve got in my stash.
1  I’m not sure when I bought The Body Shop’s White Musk Breeze collection – but I reckon it must have been in 2011. I’m generally not a fan of TBS’ White Musk collection, but I know why I bought these limited edition products – because they were dirt cheap. One of the body lotions (I even bought two bottles…) still had its price sticker on – £1.90. Seriously, that’s dirt cheap for a full-size TBS product. However, five years later I haven’t even touched the products. 😦

So what do I need to do? Try the products, and if they’re still good, I need to use them. And I need to finish them. No excuses! Using these White Musk Breeze products is going to be a priority next month.
2 Boots’ Body Butters – I think it would be next to impossible to find any of these body butters anywhere – because they have been discontinued some time ago. The Mango & Babassu butter has been repackaged twice now, the Olive body butter has been discontinued (which is very sad) and Boots’ Mediterranean range is… history.

But what do I need to do? I need to check if these products are still OK to use. If they are, I’ll use them!

upload-13 Now here’s a fragrance that would sell for a lot of money on ebay – Laura Biagiotti Venezia.

I bought this fragrance many years ago but I haven’t worn it much. I used it recently, and it still smells amazing.

It’s a shame that this fragrance has been sitting in my stash all these years – especially because it’s so lovely.

What do I need to do with this fragrance? Use it. Before it turns. I think I’m lucky that this fragrance hasn’t turned, so I’ll make it a priority to wear and enjoy it this autumn and winter.

I’ve got many more items lurking in drawers and boxes (you probably knew that already), and there’s only so much I can use at a time. But I’m making progress on using what I have. 🙂

How about you? Do you have any old beauty items that you’ve forgotten about or that you never got around to use? Feel free to let me know in the comments. And thanks for reading!

Mrs Strawberry Blonde

33 thoughts on “Beauty Hoarder Problems – Part 2: Incredibly Old Stuff

    • I stockpile perfumes too. I think I have more than 200 bottles of perfumes. And I have countless back-up bottles of limited editions…

      I understand that you can’t throw out your old Chanel and Dior fragrances. And please don’t! They don’t make them like that anymore.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I LOLed when I saw the title of this post! I dread going through some of my very old stuff – and like you, I’m guilty of buying stuff just because it’s on clearance. The Body Shop stuff looks good, though. I feel like older stuff lasts longer because they used preservatives – nowadays everyone is so anti-parabens, haha…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m guilty of this too… (haha surprised?) I’ve bought so many things because they were on sale… not because I needed them! 😛
    I also buy back-ups of stuff that I likely will never get around to using! Off the top of my head, I’ve got 2 vials of Kiehl’s perfume oil in Coriander because I’d heard they were being discontinued. Well, I haven’t even worked my way through my FIRST bottle yet! 😳

    Liked by 1 person

    • I do the same! I too have unopened perfumes (not body sprays) because they were either limited editions or about to be discontinued. And now, yeeears later I’m not even halfway through the first bottle… 😀

      The joys of beauty hoarding, eh? 😉


  3. Pingback: Reducing My Oldies Stash – Boots Mediterranean Grape, Avocado & Lemon Body Butter And Bergamot, Orange & Olive Body Butter | Mrs Strawberry Blonde

  4. Pingback: Empties – February 2017 | Mrs Strawberry Blonde

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