Luxe Beauty Care Charcoal Spa Treatment Mask

Hi there! Today’s post is about this Luxe Beauty Care Charcoal Spa Treatment Mask. This sheet masked is drenched in an anti-ageing serum with added charcoal powder, vitamin E and sodium hyaluronate It promises to give pores a deep cleanse and to leave skin feeling super soft.

Before you use this mask you’re supposed to cleanse your skin. Then put the mask on, leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse it off. On the back of the pack it says that you shouldn’t go over the 15 minutes to avoid an allergic reaction. 😯

I’ve given this mask a try, and I think it’s alright but not special. This is one of those face masks that you’d enjoy whilst you’re in the bath tub. I don’t think the mask did anything special, but it felt nice on my skin whilst it was on.

I will finish the remaining 4 masks from this pack, but I wouldn’t buy these masks again. If you’re interested, Luxe Beauty Care Charcoal Spa Treatment Masks are available in packs of 5. I paid £4.99 (TK Maxx).

Mrs Strawberry Blonde