Imperial Leather Mouthwatering Fruit Salad and Comforting Marshmallow

Hi there! When I spotted these fun shower creams for half price at Tesco’s the other day, I had to have them. Fast forward – they’re absolutely brilliant and I think everyone should give them a try. Now here’s what I think:

Imperial Leather Mouthwatering Fruit Salad is a sweet and fruity concoction which takes me back to my childhood. This is the scent of happy summer days and sugary post-dinner treats. This shower cream really puts a smile on my face.
Imperial Leather Shower 01
Imperial Leather Comforting Marshmallow smells like perfumed marshamallows. I love the dense and sweet scent of this shower cream. I’ve never roasted a marshmallow in my life, but this scent reminds me of at least a dozen movie scenes in which a bunch of kids roast marshmallows over a camp fire. 🙂

If you want to try Imperial Leather Mouthwatering Fruit Salad and Comforting Marshmallow, Tesco does a special promotion at the moment, so Fruit Salad and Marshmallow can be yours for 79p each only.

Mrs Strawberry Blonde