Revisiting Old Favourites – Palmolive Naturals Pampering Touch With Coconut & Moisturising Milk, Palmolive Naturals Ultra Moisturization With Olive & Moisturizing Milk

Hi there! Today’s post is about 2 of my all-time favourite shower gels – Palmolive Naturals Pampering Touch With Coconut & Moisturising Milk and Palmolive Naturals Ultra Moisturization With Olive & Moisturizing Milk. I dug them up from my seemingly bottomless stash. And I was more than happy to put them in the shower.

I used Palmolive Naturals Pampering Touch With Coconut & Moisturising Milk first. This shower gel is just as I remembered it – the formula is lovely and gentle, and the fragrance is fresh and warm at the same time – which makes it suitable for all seasons, I think. This shower gel does NOT smell like coconut at all – although Palmolive changed the fragrance and the current version is coconut overload. But this oldie from a few years ago is pure bliss!

Onto Palmolive Naturals Ultra Moisturization With Olive & Moisturizing Milk which is just as wonderful. I already mentioned the amazing formula, so let’s get to the fragrance! This shower gel has a gorgeous green fragrance. It’s also fresh and warm at the same time, and I’m enjoying it so much! Fortunately, this shower gel is still around – although I’d prefer smaller bottles as the 750ml is unreasonably big!

Palmolive Naturals Pampering Touch With Coconut & Moisturising Milk used to be available as a 250ml – but it’s gone forever because of the needless change of fragrance. Palmolive Naturals Ultra Moisturization With Olive & Moisturizing Milk also used to be available as 250ml but I only ever see it as a 750ml family size now. A bottle of that size is quite a commitment for a 2-people household. I wish they still did 250ml. Ah well… hopefully, Palmolive can restore its bath and shower range to its former glory as it would mop the floor with Radox, Imperial Leather and Original Source! Fingers crossed!

Mrs Strawberry Blonde 💙💛

4 thoughts on “Revisiting Old Favourites – Palmolive Naturals Pampering Touch With Coconut & Moisturising Milk, Palmolive Naturals Ultra Moisturization With Olive & Moisturizing Milk

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