Radox Crystal Calm Himalayan Salt Bath Salts

Hi there! Today’s post is about these Radox Crystal Calm Himalayan Salt Bath Salts with jasmine & hibiscus. These bath salts promise to help balance and detoxify the skin. You’re supposed to use 2-3 handfuls of bath salts for a bath.

I’ve given these bath salts a try, and I’m rather disappointed. These bath salts colour the water in a dusty pink shade which stained the bath tub. Not great if you have to scrub the tub right after a supposedly relaxing bath.

I didn’t like the scent of these bath salts at all. It just didn’t smell pleasant. I will use up these bath salts, mixed with nicer bath salts to mask the smell of these, but I wouldn’t repurchase them.

If you’re interested, Radox Crystal Calm Himalayan Salt Bath Salts with jasmine & hibiscus are available as 900g. I paid £2.99 (half price offer).

Mrs Strawberry Blonde 💙💛