Nail Of The Day – Astor Perfect Stay Smooth Velvet Effect 612 Devil In Me, Essence Aquatix 04 Under The Sea & Stamping

Hi there! Here’s another Nail Of The Day post!

For this mani I painted my nails with Astor Perfect Stay Smooth Velvet Effect 612 Devil In Me (2 coats, thumbs, index and middle fingers). This polish is matte, and it does feel and look a bit like velvet. I wanted a shiny blue, so I used clear polish to get rid of the matte look.

I painted my ring fingers and pinkies with Essence Aquatix 04 Under The Sea (3 coats). This is a silver holo polish, but the holo effect isn’t very strong.

I used an unbranded Christmas-themed stamping plate (pinkies, middle fingers) as well as MoYou London‘s Hipster 22 plate (index and ring fingers, thumbs).

The polishes I stamped with are Essence Colour Boost 11 Instant Match (blue) and Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Presto Pewter (silver).

This is another mani I liked. It wasn’t perfect, but it came pretty close to what I wanted it to look like.

Mrs Strawberry Blonde

Nail Of The Day – Essence Aquatix 04 Under The Sea & Stamping With MoYou London Doodles 07 / Nail Art Challenge #13 Animal Print

Hi there! Today’s post is a Nail Of The Day post. And this mani is also my attempt at Animal Print nails which is challenge #13 of the 31 Days Nail Art Challenge.

For this mani I painted my nails with Essence Aquatix 04 Under The Sea. This polish is supposed to be a holographic nail polish, but the holo effect isn’t very strong. And I would describe the actual colour of this polish as steel. Or steel-y. It’s neither grey nor blue.

The cute sea life images are featured on MoYou’s Doodles 07 stamping plate. The black polish I stamped with is NYC In A Minute 001 Evil.

I realise that the person who thought up the original 31 Days Nail Art Challenge thought of Animal Print nails as zebra or leopard nails (or something similar). But I didn’t want to do another animal stripes mani so soon. And sea creatures are animals too, so I think I’m OK. 🙂

I like this mani! The holo polish could be prettier, but the images are just too cute. What do you think? Feel free to comment. And thanks for stopping by!

Mrs Strawberry Blonde