Nail Of The Day – Christmas Nail Ideas / Maybelline Forever Strong 605 Hyper Jade & Pop Rocks Groupie

Hi there! Today’s post is the last post for this week. And, of course, it’s another Christmas Nail Ideas post.

For this mani I painted my nails with Maybelline Forever Strong 605 Hyper Jade (2 coats). This polish is almost a one-coater. Nice!

The top coat I used is called Pop Rocks Groupie. It’s a sheer green jelly topper that’s packed with silver holo glitter. I had to apply 2 coats, but I didn’t mind because the mani turned out to look amazing. 🙂

How do you like this mani? Will you do a Christmas mani? Which colours will you use? Feel free to get in touch. And thanks for stopping by!

Mrs Strawberry Blonde

Nail Of The Day – Revlon Top Speed 220 Bubble & CiatĂ© Confetti

Hi there! Today’s Nail Of The Day post is about a mani I did a little while ago. 🙂

For this mani I painted my nails with Revlon Top Speed 220 Bubble (2 coats). I love this colour. It’s full of live. It’s gorgeous.

In order to complete the ‘Barbie’ manicure I applied 1 coat of CiatĂ©’s Confetti. This top coat is packed with small silver holo glitter. It looked mesmerising in real life.

I wish I had managed to capture the amazingness of the silver holo glitter…

How do you like this mani? Feel free to comment. And thanks for stopping by!

Mrs Strawberry Blonde

Nail Of The Day – Feat. Revlon, CiatĂ©, MUA & Manhattan / A-Z Nail Art Challenge G-Galaxies

Hi there! Today’s Nail Of The Day post is about the Galaxies mani that I did for the A-Z Nail Art Challenge.

For this mani I painted my nails with Revlon Colorstay 260 Bold Sangria.

And then I used small pieces of a retired make-up sponge to apply a number of different nail polishes.

I used these colours: MUA White Wash (white), Revlon Colorstay 040 Provence (pale lavender) & Manhattan Buffalo 18 (milky lilac).

And then I just applied one coat of Ciaté Confetti, which is a beautiful silver holo glitter topper.

I think this mani turned out great. I love it! What do you think? Feel free to get in touch via the comments. And thanks for reading! 🙂

Mrs Strawberry Blonde

Nail Of The Day – Gosh 549 Holographic Hero & Stamping With Pueen 76 / A-Z Nail Art Challenge H-Holo

Hi there! I’ve got a Nail Of The Day post for you today.

This mani is another one that I did for the A-Z Nail Art Challenge. And I’m filing this one under H – Holo.

For this mani I painted my nails with Gosh 549 Holographic Hero (2 coats). This holo polish is not great, but holo polishes aren’t readily available in the UK, so I’m actually happy to have this one (and several back-up bottles) in my stash.

I also did a little stamping – and I used Pueen’s 76 plate (which is part of Pueen’s Buffet Leisure collection) and Rimmel 60 Seconds 820 Hot Black To Go for that. 🙂

I think this mani looks quite nice. Do you agree? Feel free to comment. And thanks for reading!

Mrs Strawberry Blonde

Nail Of The Day – Essence Aquatix 04 Under The Sea & Stamping With MoYou London Doodles 07 / Nail Art Challenge #13 Animal Print

Hi there! Today’s post is a Nail Of The Day post. And this mani is also my attempt at Animal Print nails which is challenge #13 of the 31 Days Nail Art Challenge.

For this mani I painted my nails with Essence Aquatix 04 Under The Sea. This polish is supposed to be a holographic nail polish, but the holo effect isn’t very strong. And I would describe the actual colour of this polish as steel. Or steel-y. It’s neither grey nor blue.

The cute sea life images are featured on MoYou’s Doodles 07 stamping plate. The black polish I stamped with is NYC In A Minute 001 Evil.

I realise that the person who thought up the original 31 Days Nail Art Challenge thought of Animal Print nails as zebra or leopard nails (or something similar). But I didn’t want to do another animal stripes mani so soon. And sea creatures are animals too, so I think I’m OK. 🙂

I like this mani! The holo polish could be prettier, but the images are just too cute. What do you think? Feel free to comment. And thanks for stopping by!

Mrs Strawberry Blonde

Nail Of The Day – Gosh 549 Holographic Hero & Stamping With Pueen 72

upload-1Hi there! Today’s post is another nail post.

I didn’t know what to do with my nails the other day (What else is new…?!).

I wasn’t in the mood for bold colours, pastels or glitter. So in the end I decided to paint my nails with Gosh 549 Holographic Hero (2 coats).

I really like this polish. It dries quickly and it looks very pretty.

Sure, it would look even prettier on a sunny day, but it’s winter, and (unfortunately) there’s nothing I can do about the weather.

And I didn’t have the time or energy to think up a complicated mani, so I went for a super easy stamping mani.

The floral images are from Pueen’s 72 plate (which is part of Pueen’s Stamping Buffet collection). And the black polish I stamped with is Revlon Colorstay 270 Stiletto.

I think this mani turned out OK. Do you agree? Feel free to get in touch. And thanks for stopping by! 🙂

Mrs Strawberry Blonde

Nail Of The Day – Gosh 549 Holographic Hero & Stamping with Pueen 55

Gosh Holographic Hero and StampingHi there! I’ve been sporting really boring manis for the past week. Nothing worth mentioning.

And, of course, I got bored of those plain manis. So I grabbed a holo polish, Gosh 549 Holographic Hero, and my stamping kit.

I applied two coats of Holographic Hero. The polish dried quickly and was opaque in two coats. It’s not the strongest holo polish out there, but I only paid ÂŁ1.99 for it, so I won’t complain.

Then I chose a stamping plate – Pueen 55 from Pueen’s Stamping Buffet. I opted for the leafy image and stamped it on with Revlon Colorstay Stiletto. I think this mani turned out alright. What do you think? 🙂

Mrs Strawberry Blonde