Nail Of The Day – Manhattan Lotus Effect 81R & Stamping With MoYou London Illusion 09 (Nail Fail)

Hi there! Today’s Nail Of The Day post is about a mani that didn’t turn out I had hoped. So this is a Nail Fail post.

For this mani I painted my nails with Manhattan Lotus Effect 81R. This light green polish was opaque in 2 coats. What a nice surprise!

I thought I’d use MoYou London‘s Illusion 09 plate and one of the new MoYou London stampers I bought just recently. The black polish I stamped with is a random polish (can’t remember).

I didn’t like this mani because the images looked completely off. I should have done a few practice stamps. Ah well! I guess I have to get used to that wobbly stamper. Or maybe I’ll stash it away (and never touch it again). I haven’t decided yet.

Mrs Strawberry Blonde

Nail Of The Day – Manhattan Lotus Effect Nail Polish 21G & Stamping With MoYou London Illusion 09

Hi there! Here’s another Nail Of The Day post!

For this mani I painted my nails with Manhattan Lotus Effect Nail Polish 21G (2 easy coats).

I think this is a beautiful yellow nail polish. It’s not too bright, but it’s also not too boring. It’s just right. 🙂

I also got another chance to use my MoYou London Illusion 09 stamping plate again.

The black polish I stamped with is Revlon Colorstay 270 Stiletto.

A few of the images were a bit smudged. That’s an issue with the plate and not with the polish. I have no doubt that, in real life, no one would notice.

Mrs Strawberry Blonde

Nail Of The Day – Rimmel I ♥ Lasting Finish 702 Marshmallow Heaven & Stamping With MoYou London Illusion 09

Hi there! Here’s a short Nail Of The Day post. 🙂

For this mani I painted my nails with Rimmel I ♥ Lasting Finish 702 Marshmallow Heaven (2 easy coats).

I love this colour. Milky purple shades like this one are my favourite nail colours!

I wanted to use my new MoYou London Illusion 09 stamping plate again. And that’s exactly what I did. 🙂

The black polish I stamped with is Revlon Colorstay 270 Stiletto.

This is another mani I liked the look of. It’s not the most creative mani. But I think  that, thanks to the images, it still looks pretty cool.

Mrs Strawberry Blonde

Nail Of The Day – Orly Basket Case & Stamping With MoYou London Illusion 09

Hi there! I’ve got another short Nail Of The Day post for you today.

For this mani I painted my nails with Orly Basket Case (2 coats).

I love this polish. The colour is gorgeous, the formula is a dream, and the polish dries reasonably quickly. Great stuff, Orly!

I used my new MoYou London Illusion 09 stamping plate and Revlon Colorstay 270 Stiletto for the images.

I really like the look of this mani. This stamping plate wasn’t my first choice, but now I’m glad I bought it. I can’t wait to use this stamping plate again!

Mrs Strawberry Blonde