HAUL! New Products From Boots, No 7, Sanctuary Spa, Marks & Spencer, Fragonard, Olay, Westlab, Radox, Dead Sea & More

Hi there! Today’s post is about most of the stuff I bought since the post-Christmas sale started. I’m saying most of the stuff because I always forget a lot… OK, let’s take a look at the goodies!

Boots Skincare Treats The Discovery Collection – this was £10 on Boxing Day. I bought 3 of these. The 2 moisturisers are worth £25 alone! The set would have been great value for full price = £20, but it was the most amazing bargain for half price on Boxing Day!

I bought more face masks – but what else is new? Some half price Disney masks, some £1 masks from B&M Bargains.

The Sanctuary Spa Celebration Hamper – this was £20 on Boxing Day and it had the following goodies:

These look amazing!

And these too!

I bought a few more products from Boots’ discontinued Live + Be range. The cheapest item was £1, the most expensive item was £1.75.

A few more Live + Be products.

I also bought fragrances from M&S. The first 2 were £9.50, the third was £12.50. All of them are repurchases.

I bought a number of different Westlab bath salts, the one above was £2.99 at Boots.

I also bought more Radox bath salts. The one above was £2.25 at Sainsburys.

2 more Radox shower gels – these were about £1.30 (or so) each at Superdrug.

Fragonard Belle De Nuit fragrance – £20 at M&S, the Olay Face Wash was £2.09 at Boots, the the Botanics Face Scrub was 33p (£2.33 plus 200 Advantage points for buying a Botanics product).

I also rescued 2 Dead Sea Natural Mineral Soaps from the clearance bin.

And this is it! Quite a bit, eh? Well, what can I say. I’ll always be a bargain hunter! Thanks for stopping by today! 😊

Mrs Strawberry Blonde

Sanctuary Spa Intensive Heel Balm

Hi there! Today’s post is about the foot cream I’ve been using since early January – Sanctuary Spa Intensive Heel Balm.

This product promises “pampering moisture and concentrated nourishment” to make rough and dry heels feel super soft.

How’s the product? I think it’s awesome! It’s rich, but not greasy, and a little goes a long way. And it really helps with cracked heels!

OK, my feet are actually fine because I apply lotion or cream every day, but my husband’s feet… you don’t want to know! 😀

But guess what – this heel balm took care of my husband’s cracked heels – in 4 days. Is this awesome or what? I’m impressed!

The Sanctuary Spa Heel Balm is available as 75ml for £7.50. It’s not cheap. However, if you’re looking for a product that will take care of dry feet and cracked heels, you should give it a try!

Mrs Strawberry Blonde